An Apparition II


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"Fantastic memories" by M. Sandoz


lithograph / paper


17.0 x 25.3 cm


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The first edition of “Fantastic Memories” by Maurice Sandoz is included in the list of books and portfolios illustrated by Salvador Dali, which were created from after his drawings, gouaches, watercolors, etc., and then printed using the lithography technique and published in limited and sometimes signed editions. This is an edition that has collector value. In the 1970s, publishers republished some of these illustrations in signed copies as independent prints.

All rights reserved by Doubleday, Doran&Company, INC., 1944, published in New York, U.S.A.
This edition is listed in the list of books illustrated by the artist in catalogue raisoneé by Ralf Michler and Lutz W. Löpsinger, 1995, pp. 180, at 1591, Condition of the work: good, due to the age of the print the paper is naturally yellowed,

Salvador Dalí

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali, ownership: Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domènech, marquès de Dalí de Púbol born May 11, 1904 in Figueres, Spain, died January 23, 1989 also in Spain – Spanish painter, one of the most famous Surrealists.
He is one of the more recognizable artists of the 20th century.

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