Janusz Stanny


Janusz Stanny was born on 29.02.1932. Warsaw, died 13.02.2014 there. Master of Polish illustration, poet, academic educator. He received his diploma in 1957. In the studio of Professor Henryk Tomaszewski at the Faculty of Graphics of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Since the early 1970s, he has led the Illustration Studio at his alma mater. He has worked in illustration, book graphics, posters, satirical drawing and animated film. He has illustrated more than 200 books. Creator of author’s books for children, in which the literary message forms a whole with the visual concept: “The Tale of the King of Dardanelles”, “About a painter red as a brick”, “The Horse and the Cat”. A master of the genre honored with many national and international awards, including. 1966 Second Prize in a competition in Buenos Aires for illustrations to “Don Quixote” by M. Cervantes, 1968 “Premio Grafico” at the ICC in Bologna for illustrations to “The Enchanted Tailor” by H. Januszewska, 1971 IBA Gold Medal in Leipzig for illustrations to “The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor” by B. Lesmian, 1972 Silver Medal at the Moscow Fair for “The Tale of King Dardanel”, 1975 BIB Medal in Bratislava for “Lions” by H. Januszewska, 1976 “Premio Europeo” in Padua for “Lions” by H. Januszewska, 1977 BIB Medal in Bratislava for “Fairy Tales” by H. Ch. Andersen, 1998 Entry on the IBBY International Honor List for the illustrations to the book “Flea Chessie”. In 2003. He received the Polish Section of IBBY Medal for lifetime achievement for children and young people and in 2006. Gloria Artis Gold Medal. From 2004 to 2014, together with his daughter Dr. Katarzyna Stanny, he ran the Illustration Studio at the AHE in Lodz.

Works in museum collections

Art fair

13. Warszawskie Targi Sztuki 2015

13th Warsaw Art Fair 2015